poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

Tag state of the world

The day I heard

The day I heard The glass-jaw day winces from the deep purple of the bruised sky, drops in a heap, defeated.

What Must the Trees Think?

What Must the Trees Think? Anger that we lumber their siblings? Terror when the ground we frack? Pity that we have brought ourselves to the brink? Befuddlement at our human quibbling? Despair that they can’t fight back? The willow, bent… Continue Reading →

All Hail the Pandersquat

All Hail the Pandersquat Along the grundle vodamen slither, sprickety sprocks shroud ‘neath the gobblespot and hippity hocks flee the pandersquat passing ghastly as the hoopsnot wither. Rising snuffle thumps have drawn him hither to hoop, holler and blither garblesnot…. Continue Reading →

Alternative Facts: Escher meets Kafka

Alternative Facts: Escher meets Kafka Hooded walkers circle the courtyard stairwell intent on mysterious missions, ascending, descending, never arriving. Hoods up. Get in Line. Eyes straight ahead. Ascending patriots on the left, Descending on the right. Others watch amazed, amused…. Continue Reading →

Living on a Flood Plain

Living on a flood plain Some days it drizzles – a black man’s tail light fails him; a toddler finds daddy’s new toy. Some days it pours – the music stops pulsing for late night dancers, revelers storm the Bastille… Continue Reading →

Modern Monsters

Modern Monsters Life-sucking vampires preach a prosperity gospel: Give us your blood, it’ll trickle back down again. Not in time to save your ass, but you can’t have everything. Mindless zombies create converts: Give us your brain, let the mob… Continue Reading →

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