poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

Tag desire

Sestina for an Afternoon Dalliance

Sestina for an Afternoon Dalliance Piercing ominous clouds, a shaft of sunlight frames two young men on the knob overlooking sweaty, shirtless football players – “A tool,” the red-haired youth claims, “a lightning rod to channel violence.” “No, a buffet… Continue Reading →

Desired Love

Desired Love And they call again, “It’s simple,” they say, “and you too have come into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine.” – Mary Oliver, excerpted from “When I Am… Continue Reading →


Desire An impulse, light pressure to fingertips and words form and de-form. The poet, biologist of desire, seeks to discover, to understand life in the vacuum of the heart, sculpts the page, asking it the age-old, or perhaps old age… Continue Reading →

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