poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

Tag ars poetica

Note to self on the failures of my life

Note to self on the failures of my life Too slow. Too fast. Wrong notes plucked on out of tune guitar. Is failing simply practicing to succeed? Or maybe you just suck. Is this poem really about learning to play… Continue Reading →

I want my poems to slap you in the face

I want my poems to slap you in the face   and shake you by the shoulders and shout Wake Up! and if they refuse to be so violent and so valiant and so woke, and decide instead to speak… Continue Reading →

Swimming the Depths

Swimming the Depths Like a shadow or a friend this old companion, shape-shifting cloud, demon / mentor – who can tell? – is always at hand. We deny the shadow we hate, man’s best friend that bites when ignored and… Continue Reading →

If the universe is artist all poetry is ekphrastic

If the universe is artist all poetry is ekphrastic The only condition is your being there and being watchful of sunset brushed onto evening sky, ancient oaks sculpted into forest, elegant swoop of starlings murmuring. When mindless march to quarterly… Continue Reading →

Writer’s Block, or On Being Indecisive And Fearful When It Comes To Just About Everything

Writer’s Block, or On Being Indecisive And Fearful When It Comes To Just About Everything So I just listened, my pen in the air, for the muse to speak from silence. A character in a movie once proclaimed “the poem… Continue Reading →

The Brazen Bard

The Brazen Bard Expeditions are risky. Moonflowers unfold beauty into darkness from which stanzas of our lives flow down the page. Or not. Much too can be said in a short haiku. Or what follows may hollow that first line… Continue Reading →


Desire An impulse, light pressure to fingertips and words form and de-form. The poet, biologist of desire, seeks to discover, to understand life in the vacuum of the heart, sculpts the page, asking it the age-old, or perhaps old age… Continue Reading →

Take As Long As You Need

Take As Long As You Need Apparition of my dreams: forget your temptations of glory. Give up on me! Do not entice me to ascend this mountain when I cannot perceive the peak covered in cloud. Courage melts under scrutiny… Continue Reading →


Poetics A whitewater rapids of tumbling words, flowing fast and furious, threatening to crash, or a decaying tooth holding fast by its roots, refusing to give way, painstakingly extracted. A scientist interrogates the mysteries of the cosmos and determines we… Continue Reading →

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