Recipe for Living Sun’s rise whispers of adventure. I burrow deep under the blankets. Mountain men proclaim their awesome view but life happens in the valley. Silent, grateful, I relish the vista. Speaking exposes my folly. Doubtful, I slip her… Continue Reading →
Worship Gathering on a Sunday eve, the score of seekers finds seats while trading stories of battles fought and wounds endured before the minister begins. Inventories of sins committed are not asked for in this sacred space. No flame is… Continue Reading →
P.R.A.Y. When I put my lips against your ear and sweet praise preys from my tongue tracing the ticklish helix as it swirls deep toward ego: your beauty brightens my life, your strength is my bedrock, your loving kindness gives… Continue Reading →
Divinity There’s beauty in lightning. Momentary brilliance mesmerizes before we’re plunged into darkness once more. Untamed raw power streaks strikes apple tree mid-garden good and evil exploded into so much kindling. Throaty rumbling laughter dares us to come closer, threatening… Continue Reading →
Conversations with God “Turn left,” she says. Confused, I ask “Why?” The black box responds, “Turn left now.” “Fuck that,” I mutter, holding the car’s wheel steady. “Recalculating.” “Heavy traffic ahead,” she says. Wanting an easy ride, I exit. Suggested… Continue Reading →
Breathe Damn that rooster’s crow. I can’t catch my breath, It happened so fast: a kiss, a trial, a death. His laugh still haunts me. Turning suddenly serious after cracking jokes over dinner, his rambling about death and betrayal sounded… Continue Reading →
Searching (After John 20:15) Sobbing graveside, crypt empty and broken heart jilted by her lover. Why are you crying? Who are you looking for? We seek our gods behind grave walls too thick for invasion too deep to escape. No… Continue Reading →
In the Beginning Bored with omnipotence, tired of bickering with brothers, the goddesses begged Mother for meaningful diversion. She labored seven years, hunched over her loom, spinning an idyllic world for her daughters to nurture where lions and lambs cavorted… Continue Reading →
An Evening at Home in an Alien World I. Sent forth with hope from a world in peril, the Traveler flees masses destitute, their leaders immoral, their lands sterile, nations embroiled in violent dispute. In a last gasp to save… Continue Reading →
Winter comforts meant to mollify tomato soup grilled cheese fuzzy throw wear thin turn trapped gazes within hungry for hibernation deep sleep of serenity eludes stares into crackling fire of mind-space scorching veneer exposing courting disaster alices into wonderland where… Continue Reading →
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