To see with the heart shake off your bonds enter the shaman’s cave where no modern convenience illuminates the way follow the dim glow of candle’s flame descend barefoot into the bowels where bushes burn unconsumed converse with spirits who… Continue Reading →
I want my poems to slap you in the face and shake you by the shoulders and shout Wake Up! and if they refuse to be so violent and so valiant and so woke, and decide instead to speak… Continue Reading →
Riding a bicycle in a war zone The photo only shows a muddied hand extended from jacket’s blue sleeve palm up in the rubble strewn street fingers curled, nails polished bright red. It was enough. Seeing the image, her… Continue Reading →
That’ll teach ‘m Oh, look, the near-sighted spider must have said there’s a bit of inviting ground, a cozy patch so nice and round. Thought he found a quaint plat to call his own, but, alas, a cup of coffee… Continue Reading →
Unearthing self with a golden shovel after Mary Oliver As they traverse the land of whoever, the frightened leave breadcrumbs. You who find yourselves disillusioned are welcome in this magical realm where no possibility is forbidden. Only the matter of… Continue Reading →
Desired Love And they call again, “It’s simple,” they say, “and you too have come into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine.” – Mary Oliver, excerpted from “When I Am… Continue Reading →
Swimming the Depths Like a shadow or a friend this old companion, shape-shifting cloud, demon / mentor – who can tell? – is always at hand. We deny the shadow we hate, man’s best friend that bites when ignored and… Continue Reading →
I’m excited that my poem “Love Heals” was published in issue 7 of Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts. Download or read for free at
Someone said you are what you eat so I asked myself what do I want to be To make music in the heart I swallowed an orchestra. I looked at a world filled with war and death, old white men… Continue Reading →
A Dare In every last part of our body flows more than blood pumped heart to extremities nourishing cells, cleansing impurities. More than nerves’ morse code pulsed to signal encounters with table legs or direct flexed biceps. I dare you… Continue Reading →
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