poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

Category Poem

The Seduction

The Seduction The adirondack stands watch upon the hill, a lonely sentinel overlooking the meadow, the Queen’s Guard protecting the palace as ambassadors of the heavens and forest emissaries come to consult. Resolute in the afternoon sun, the temptress tenders… Continue Reading →

Living on a Flood Plain

Living on a flood plain Some days it drizzles – a black man’s tail light fails him; a toddler finds daddy’s new toy. Some days it pours – the music stops pulsing for late night dancers, revelers storm the Bastille… Continue Reading →

Man on a Journey

Man on a Journey (After Joel Sheesley’s painting of the same name.) The man poses in front of the monument, freezes time, preserves a memory to linger over in his dotage. But this isn’t the Great Pyramid or the Lincoln… Continue Reading →

Modern Monsters

Modern Monsters Life-sucking vampires preach a prosperity gospel: Give us your blood, it’ll trickle back down again. Not in time to save your ass, but you can’t have everything. Mindless zombies create converts: Give us your brain, let the mob… Continue Reading →

After Paradise

After Paradise (After Joel Sheesley’s painting of the same name.) Everything in its place, the carefully ordered refuge from a chaotic world radiates routine. A jail-bar striped comforter locks away passion. Bare floors, stripped and buffed, reflect the veneer of… Continue Reading →

Postscript to Wendell Berry’s Mad Farmer Manifesto

Postscript to Wendell Berry’s Mad Farmer Manifesto Walk a mile in the crazy angry farmer’s overalls and join the ranks of perturbed earth-lovers trying to grow majestic oaks in rank swamp land. Maybe the mad farmer should have gone Luther… Continue Reading →

Gravity and Grace

Gravity and Grace Angels and apples, sinners and seniors, all eventually fall, trapped in the gravity of the world. A Scarlet leaf, short-lived adornment,         wafts                 down,    … Continue Reading →

Bearing My Soul

Bearing My Soul I am who I am. To bear my soul is to carry the knowledge of who I am. To bare my soul is to reveal the knowledge of who I am. My soul as a bear is… Continue Reading →

River or Rock?

River or Rock? (in memory of Orlando: June 12, 2016) The ghost of childhood winters chills the summer heat, skipping across the field behind Bingham Elementary, stopping on mounds of plow driven snow where laughing twelve year olds once gathered…. Continue Reading →


Poetics A whitewater rapids of tumbling words, flowing fast and furious, threatening to crash, or a decaying tooth holding fast by its roots, refusing to give way, painstakingly extracted. A scientist interrogates the mysteries of the cosmos and determines we… Continue Reading →

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